I don't have just one person, it's a group of people. These kids were my best friends in high school. We hung out, went to parties, went to movies && ate lunch together almost everyday for 4 years. These kids were the reason high school was such an enjoyable experience for me. It hurts to know that they continued to all remain friends while I drifted away. But as we all grow up && become adults, you realize, you never stay the same person you were in high school. I keep in touch with a few people && we say hi every once in a while, but that great friendship we had in school is something I truly miss.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile !!
This picture is of me && Danny holding hands when we first started dating. Its always been one of my favorite pictures cause it was just a random picture I took && it makes me smile to think of the beginning of our relationship.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of !!
I don't know what it is, but even at my age, I still am afraid of the dark. My heart starts beating really fast && I start breathing fast too. It's something I try to control but at times I come really close to having a panic attack. It's no fun.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member !!
This is my youngest sister, Gracie. Or as I like to call her, Crazy. She's a little weirdo that makes me laugh && can be extremely annoying at times but she loves me && I love her.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you !!
This necklace means a lot to my cause my husband gave it to me for our first Christmas together over six years ago. Its been through a couple different chains but I managed to keep the important part && I hope to keep it forever.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Day 25 - A picture of your day !!
My day was spent at work like every other day. There are days I don't want to be here but overall I really enjoy my job && coming to work everyday.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change !!
College !!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book !!

I have so many books to choose from! My bookshelf is full of my favorite books! That's why I own them! It was hard to choose just ONE favorite but I have read this book so many times! It is amazing && keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. I only picked it up, by chance, 6 years ago at a small bookstore that no longer exist. There was a recommendation from an employee, hand written, under the book which was on display. After I read the recommendation, I decided to purchase the book && read it for myself. I absolutely loved it && have read everything by Harlan Coben since! He is an amazing author && I hope this recommendation makes you want to go pick up at least one of his books!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at !!
I am constantly singing all day, every day! The fact that I can't sing for sh*t should stop me, but it doesn't. I sing at work && in my car, but I wish I were better at it. When I start singing, it wouldn't be considered a joke. People would actually listen && admire. That would be a dream come true!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget !!
Even though this is a really happy && cute picture, my two front teeth were always so embarrassing cause they were broken && cracked from an accident I had when I was younger. They have recently been fixed && I looked back on so many photo memories like this one && I think, "Why didn't I get them fixed sooner ??" I wish I could forget them!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel !!
Ever since I learned about Greek mythology in elementary school, I have always been fascinated with this amazing country! It looks so amazing && full of cultural beauty. I really hope to visit it some day!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little !!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity !!
I am a girl after all! My body && my face are my biggest insecurities. Although, in the last couple of weeks, I have learned that if you don't like what you see in the mirror, do something about it! When you can look in the mirror && smile, you've accomplished happiness!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently !!
Danny && I recently got married in January && although we have been together for 6 years, being husband && wife has been a new, wonderful experience! It was nice to be able to share our happiness with our friends && families! I also had the privilege of changing my name to be his Mrs! That amazing day will be a day I'll never forget!
♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you !!
Nancy Pants !!
She is one of the most inspirational people I know! She was diagnosed with terminal cancer more than 5 years ago && continues to be a spunky little lady! She's always the most spirited person in the room (as you can tell from this picture)! Although we don't see her as often as we like, everyone who knows her thinks about her often && can't help missing her, her wonderful attitude && laughter !
Monday, May 16, 2011
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die !!
I would say something crazy like sky-diving or bungee jumping but I don't think I'll ever do it cause I'm chicken! What I really, really want to do is visit Walt Disney World before I die! I love Disneyland && Disney World is like 10 times bigger than that! It's like 6 parks in one! To spend at least a week there && explore the whole place would be a dream come true!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without !!
My mom is one of the most amazing persons in the world! I love to talk to her. She always makes me feel important && very loved. She's always smiling, happy && in a good mood. I can always call her if I need her for anything in the world && I could never imagine my life without her! She is my mom after all! Everyone will always need their mom around !!
"I love you Mom !!"
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist !!
Although I don't like their most recent music, I would still consider Linkin Park as my favorite band. I been in love with them since middle school && it's too hard not to keep listening to them! So I'll remain a fan for life! PS. Chester Bennington is my husband !!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Day 12 - A picture of something you love !!
I don't wear much make-up && I don't do anything special to my hair so the thing I love about being a girl are painting my nails with all the different crazy colors of nail polishes && all the wonderful, amazing designs you can do. I love it! It's a great girly touch to my everyday life!
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate !!
When Mother Nature comes a calling, I (like I believe most girls) hate being a girl && when you have this many choices for something that only last a couple days a month, it's just a pain in the butt! With cramps, bloating, fatigue && mood swings, it makes being near us a challenge!
But it's who we are! Love && Hate it !!
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with !!
When it said "most messed up things with," I couldn't help but think of my little sister-in-law, Karina! She's always down to bust an adventure with me as my co-pilot! We're always having fun && laughing (actually I'm always laughing at the crazy things she says). She's funny && we're both just plain "woopid" !!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most !!
I don't know who has gotten me through the most? I try to be as independent as possible, but I do have someone who has gotten me through a lot lately. I tell my friend Meghan everything && even though we don't work together as often as we used to, we catch out when we see each other or we have long, awesome telephone conversations!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh !!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item !!
I have had her since the 4th grade. I have brought her along on many road trips && saved her from garage sales. She has moved with me out of state && back. That makes her my most treasured item. She is the first Beanie Baby when I began collecting many years ago && the only one I still have. Over the years, she has been through a lot. She's lost both of her eyes && her nose but I still love her !!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day !!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Day 05 - A picture of one of your favorite memories !!
This, or should I say he, is one of my favorite memories! He is the most amazing little kid in my life. He's my soon-to-be god son && I love him to death! I'll never forget the day he was born cause I was lucky enough to take his mom to the hospital Saturday night && be there when he was born Sunday morning on August 1st @ 7:44 am!
♥Thursday, May 5, 2011
Day 04 - A picture of your night !!
Usually my nights consist of TV and/or Facebook, so tonight I decided I needed a haircut &&
I added some bangs for a small change in my normal, boring look. It's not life changing or anything but I found that I always feel better after getting a new haircut. Feels like I can take on anything !!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show !!
Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, Vivian Vance && William Frawley in
I Love Lucy !!
I Love Lucy !!
It's not Glee, it's not American Idol, and it's definitely not anything with any of the Kardashian sisters in it!
It's a black && white classic from the 1950's called
I Love Lucy. Maybe you've heard of it? Some people don't care for it much. I happen to love it! I own all 9 seasons on DVD && have seen every episode a million times but it still makes me laugh every time I watch it!
It's a black && white classic from the 1950's called
I Love Lucy. Maybe you've heard of it? Some people don't care for it much. I happen to love it! I own all 9 seasons on DVD && have seen every episode a million times but it still makes me laugh every time I watch it!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest !!
Me &&
Evelyn !!
Evelyn !!
I think it's cheating cause she's my sister but I don't care! My younger sister && I haven't always been very close even though we shared a room for most of our lives! But through the last couple of years we have grown up (kinda!) && now I can't help but call her one of my bestest friends! We talk, we shop && we eat, no matter what we're doing we're laughing!
"Love you little sister !!"
Monday, May 2, 2011
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts !!
1. My birthday is September 19th.
2. I recently got married on January 4th.
3. I now have a total of 4 sisters.
4. I love ice cream.
5. Disneyland is my favorite place on Earth.
6. I haven't had any soda since October 2010.
7. I love to read.
8. I currently work in an animal hospital.
9. I have needed to wear glasses/contacts since 7th grade.
10. Someday I hope to go to school to become an English teacher.
11. I sing at the top of my lungs when driving in my car && I don't care who's watching!
12. I love to color.
13. I have a fear of the dark.
14. Summer is my favorite season.
15. I have 1 tattoo (for now)!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Beginning . . .
So this is the first time I've ever started a Blog. I have a Facebook but I want this to be completely different. So what better way to start a brand new Blog than to start with a 60-day Photo Challenge. I first saw this from a friend who is doing it && I decided to borrow the idea.
So I begin . . .
So I begin . . .
Here's the Photo Challenge that I saw and will be following:
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of one of your favorite memories.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night.
Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD.
Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.
Day 36 - A picture of your 'other half'.
Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.
Day 40 - A picture of your favorite Disney character.
Day 41 - A picture of your pet.
Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.
Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.
Day 45 - A picture of your room.
Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.
Day 48 - A picture of your favorite actress/actor.
Day 49 - A picture of where you live.
Day 50 - A picture of your most frequented place.
Day 51 - A picture of your dream car.
Day 52 - A picture of your favorite sport.
Day 53 - A picture of someone you think is hot.
Day 54 - A picture of the one thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.
Day 56 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 57 - A picture of your favorite holiday.
Day 58 - A picture of your favorite animal.
Day 59 - A picture of a random item that you own.
Day 60 - A picture of something you’re excited about.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your night.
Day 05 - A picture of one of your favorite memories.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.
Day 31 - A picture of a tradition you have.
Day 32 - A picture of a crazy night.
Day 33 - A picture of the house you grew up in.
Day 34 - A picture of your currently most played CD.
Day 35 - A picture of your favorite place to eat.
Day 36 - A picture of your 'other half'.
Day 37 - A picture of the people you spend most of your time with.
Day 38 - A picture of the best part of your day.
Day 39 - A picture of your favorite movie.
Day 40 - A picture of your favorite Disney character.
Day 41 - A picture of your pet.
Day 42 - A picture of your dream house.
Day 43 - A picture of something you can’t function without.
Day 44 - A picture of someone you’re told you look like.
Day 45 - A picture of your room.
Day 46 - A picture of where you wish you were right now.
Day 47 - A picture of your favorite place to shop.
Day 48 - A picture of your favorite actress/actor.
Day 49 - A picture of where you live.
Day 50 - A picture of your most frequented place.
Day 51 - A picture of your dream car.
Day 52 - A picture of your favorite sport.
Day 53 - A picture of someone you think is hot.
Day 54 - A picture of the one thing you would bring if you were stranded on a deserted island.
Day 55 - A picture of the last movie you saw in theaters.
Day 56 - A picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 57 - A picture of your favorite holiday.
Day 58 - A picture of your favorite animal.
Day 59 - A picture of a random item that you own.
Day 60 - A picture of something you’re excited about.
Join me if you like! It's going to be fun && very personal !!
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