Here I am again on the last day after 100 days of posts. If you've been following me, then thank you very much. If you haven't, then you have a lot of reading to do. Good luck && good bye!
I feel so accomplished && so proud that me && my husband have started our new life in our own house. We have work really hard for this && will continue to work harder to always try to make our lives as amazing as it can be.
I like any color nail polish as long as it has my favorite sparkly top coat. I wore it on my nails on the 4th of July with red && blue polish. It makes every color stand out with a bang!
I couldn't find anything I own that was heart shaped so I took a picture of my friend, Nayeli's wallet that has the signature "J" for the brand Juicy.
What I was doing right now was catching up on my favorite show, "The Good Wife." We don't have cable yet at our new house so Hulu has become my new best friend. Plus it lets me watch entire seasons of old shows I love.
From my bedroom window, you can see my new backyard. It's not the great looking right now but I just started to really clean it up. I don't think we'll ever have grass cause it's really hard to maintain it out here cause of the weather.
They make me smile everyday! They are both little weirdos but tonight they were both sleeping inside the cushion of a pillow. I did not put them in there. They both went inside completely on their own.
I'm not currently in school. My most current school photo is my Senior Year photo from 2006. I took a couple Senior portraits && this is the proof of the one that was in the yearbook.
What isn't in my fridge? My fridge is pretty full of random items. We are 4 people in one home && everyone has different tastes so there are many different drinks && other items that we all like.
What's more important than anything else in this world? Your family && I hold mine very dear to my heart! I love all of them && appreciate everything they do for me && my husband!
I just moved this week && to make sure I can keep in touch with her && everyone else, my mom bought me a webcam so I can Skype with everyone I know back home!
My friends, Leslie && Sergio, just got married last month. Their wedding cake happened to be PINK, as well as orange && white. Not the traditional wedding cake you see everyday, which is why i loved it!
I just bought these black shorts. I know you can't see them that well in this picture but they are just some ordinary shorts && I totally love them. They are so comfortable && I wear them with everything. They go with perfect with my brand new sexy black boots from this picture.
This is what the moon looks like tonight from our brand new home. The same moon that our families are looking at tonight, but from many, many miles away.
Well since I'm moving this weekend my closet is pretty empty at the moment but what I don't want people seeing in my closet ever, is my ladies undergarments. What else would be in my closet that's embarrassing?